Textile Engineering is the most wanted subject for maximum students in Bangladesh now a days. Because of high career opportunity. Bangladesh is one of the leading RMG exporter country in the current world. So demand of textile technologists are high in textile related industries. For fulfilling the demand of Textile Education in Bangladesh some Universities open textile engineering course.
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List of Textile Engineering Universities/Colleges of Bangladesh
Public Universities/Colleges:
01. Bangladesh University of Textiles
92, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani
Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh
Tel : +880-2-9114260, Fax : +880-2-9124255
Web site : http://butex.edu.bd/
02. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Khulna -9203
Phone: +88041-769468-75
01. Bangladesh University of Textiles
92, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani
Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh
Tel : +880-2-9114260, Fax : +880-2-9124255
Web site : http://butex.edu.bd/
02. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Khulna -9203
Phone: +88041-769468-75
Web: www.kuet.ac.bd/TE
Phone # 0321-51758,
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Web: http://btec.jimdo.com/
04. Textile Engineering College, Zorarganj, Chittagong
Mirsori, Chittagong
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Web: www.ctec.gov.bd
05. Pabna Textile Engineering College
Shalgaria, Pabna
04. Textile Engineering College, Zorarganj, Chittagong
Mirsori, Chittagong
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Web: www.ctec.gov.bd
05. Pabna Textile Engineering College
Shalgaria, Pabna
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Web: http://www.pabtec.gov.bd/
06. Mawlana Bhasani University of Science & Technology
Web: http://www.mbstu.ac.bd/
07. Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology.
Web: http://www.duet.ac.bd/
Web: http://www.pabtec.gov.bd/
06. Mawlana Bhasani University of Science & Technology
Web: http://www.mbstu.ac.bd/
07. Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology.
Web: http://www.duet.ac.bd/
08. Bangabandhu Textile Engineering College
Phone: 0923-373176
Website: www.titangail.gov.bd
09. Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Web: http://arstecb.com
Private Universities/Colleges:
Phone: 0923-373176
Website: www.titangail.gov.bd
09. Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College
Affiliations: Bangladesh University of Textiles
Web: http://arstecb.com
Private Universities/Colleges:
01. Ahsanullah University of Science Technology
Address: 141 & 142, Love Road, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208.
Phone: (8802) 9897311, Ext. 103, 114, Fax : (8802) 986056
Email: info@aust.edu
Web: www.aust.edu
02. Daffodil International University
Address: 102, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Phone: 9138234-5, 9116774, 9136694
Email: info@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
Web: www.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
03. Southeast University (Bangladesh)
House# 64, Road# 18, Block # B, Banani, Dhaka
Phone: 880-2-,880-2-,880-2-9882340,8835222
Fax: 880-2-9892914
e-mail: info@seu.ac.bd
web: www.seu.ac.bd
Address: 141 & 142, Love Road, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208.
Phone: (8802) 9897311, Ext. 103, 114, Fax : (8802) 986056
Email: info@aust.edu
Web: www.aust.edu
02. Daffodil International University
Address: 102, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Phone: 9138234-5, 9116774, 9136694
Email: info@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
Web: www.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd
03. Southeast University (Bangladesh)
House# 64, Road# 18, Block # B, Banani, Dhaka
Phone: 880-2-,880-2-,880-2-9882340,8835222
Fax: 880-2-9892914
e-mail: info@seu.ac.bd
web: www.seu.ac.bd
04. University of South Asia
House No - 76 -78, Road No - 14
Block - B , Banani , Dhaka-1213.
Phone: 880-2-8857073-5
Fax-880: 2-8313308
web: www.unisa.ac.bd
House No - 76 -78, Road No - 14
Block - B , Banani , Dhaka-1213.
Phone: 880-2-8857073-5
Fax-880: 2-8313308
web: www.unisa.ac.bd
05. Victoria University of Bangladesh
58/11/A (3rd floor),
Panthapath, Dhaka-1205.
Tel : 8622634-5,
Fax : +88-02-8622635
E-mail : info@vub.edu.bd
web: vub.edu.bd
58/11/A (3rd floor),
Panthapath, Dhaka-1205.
Tel : 8622634-5,
Fax : +88-02-8622635
E-mail : info@vub.edu.bd
web: vub.edu.bd
06. Green University Bangladesh
Web: http://www.green.edu.bd/
07. BGMEA Institute of Fashion & Technology
Established : November 1999
Type: Private
President: Muzaffar Uddin Siddique
Location 105, Uttara Commercial Area, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Campus : Urban area
Nickname: BIFT
Affiliations: Bangladesh National University
Website: http://www.bift.info/
08. National Institute of Fashion Technology(NIFT)
National Institute of Fashion Technology - Bangladesh Road #28, House #3691206 Dhaka (Dacca)Bangladesh (Bengal)
tel: +880 (1) 7131 16313
email: alim@nift.edu.bd
public relations: Alim Abdul
subjects: Fashion Design
09. City University
Web: http://www.cityuniversity.edu.bd/
10. Primeasia University
Web: www.test.primeasia.edu.bd
11. Atish Dipankor University of Science & Technology
Web: http://www.atishdipankaruniversity.edu.bd/
12. World University of Bangladesh
Address: DHANMONDI UNIT-1 House-20, Road-7,
A.R.A Center (on Mirpur Road), Dhaka-1205,
Tel: 8144631-2; 8142046; 01552339906; 01813930223
Phone: 8144631-2; 9667435-6; 8155308;
Email: info@wub.edu
Web: www.wub.edu
13. National Institute of Textile Training Research & Design
Nick Name: NITTRAD
Nayarhat, Savar, Dhaka 1350.
Phone#+88 02 77 91 975.
Email: ank.nittrad.edu.bd
Web: www.nittrad.edu.bd
14. Northern University Bangladesh
Web: www.nub.ac.bd
Holding no-13, Road no -17
Banani C/A, Dhaka- 1213
15. The People’s University of Bangladesh
Phone: 02-9127807
Website: www.pub.ac.bd
16. Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)
Address: Rupnagar Road, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: (0)88 02 8057581
Founded: 2003
Web: www.bubt.edu.bd
17. European University of Bangladesh (EUB)
Phone: +88 01930 544 725, +88 01711 200 772
Web: http://www.eub.edu.bd/
Web: http://www.eub.edu.bd/
18. Bangladesh Textile Engineering College
Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sharoni Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 Bangladesh
Email: email 1: info@btec-bd.net
email 2: btec@bdonline.com
Phone: office# 8854869, 9863371
19. Sikder College of Textile & Fashion Technology (SCTFT)
Academic Campus:1101/1, Malibagh Chowdhury Para , Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh
Phone: + 880 - 2- 9340385 Extn-109, 129
Cell : 01714-289892, 01818-482533, 01719-233427
Practical Campus-1 : Khadun, Tarabo, Rupshi, Narayanganj
Practical Campus-2: Baniadi, Mura para, Rupganj, Narayanganj.
URL: http://www.sctft.org/
20. Raffles Design Institute - Dhaka
Saimon Centre, House-4/ARoad-22, Gulshan Commercial Area1205 Dhaka (Dacca)Bangladesh (Bengal)
tel: +880 (2) 9900 2217
fax: +880 (2) 9922 7862
email: zillemowla@raffles-design-institute.com
public relations: Zille Mowla
subjects: Fashion Design,Fashion Marketing.